Week 7 Part A: Get Visual with Instagram - Let a Picture Tell the Story

Dun Central's Social Media

    Dun Central currently has profiles on many different social media sites, although the accounts are new and have not yet received high priority for overall development of the brand up to this point. Game design and product design remain the focus at this time in order to maintain content to market and advertise on social media and the internet.

Using Linktr.ee I am able to post all of the links to Dun Central's sites in one easily accessible place.

7 Posts

    Using Instagram has been very effective for marketing my business. There seems to be a huge userbase of individuals in my target market and industry. I have only made seven posts over that past three months and have been able to achieve and maintain a following of 94 users by following them back and leaving supportive comments and likes on their posts. Many of these individuals are very supportive and it has become easy to find communities related to independent game development through the small following I have. I am confident that as I continue to create high-quality content and use hashtags effectively I will be able to increase my following and successfully market and advertise my games and merchandise.


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