Week 9 Part B: Using Categories
Categories To Help My Business Grow
If I decide to start vlogging for my business, I will put it into a main category of "Indie Game Development" and for each video I would focus on one aspect of the particular game's development, such as "Creating a UI" or "Implementing Player Inventory." I would also add tags for #DunCentral, #Unity, #Game, #Tutorials, and #IndieGames.
Title: Creating a UI
Category: Indie Game Development
Tags: #DunCentral, #Unity, #Game, #Tutorials, #IndieGames
Using this layout I believe it would be easy for individuals to find my content in their searches due to relevant key terms. The game development process is typically similar for games of the same genre. Individuals learning to make a game for the first time using Unity's game engine would be able to look up their question online and potentially be greeted by my video through SEO. I would also put the videos into organized playlists on YouTube.
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