Week 15 Part A: Developing Your Marketing Strategy

Planning My Future Strategy

    Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn are all important social media platforms that integrate well with Dun Central's business model. Being able to promote my products online will be greatly beneficial to the growth of my business. Utilizing multiple platforms will allow me to diversify my audience and ultimately attract more customers. Using Hootsuite, I will be able to post to all platforms simultaneously, as well as check notifications.

    One tool that I find important to implement into my regular business activity would be Google Analytics. I think it will be beneficial to track certain metrics to figure out what I can do to improve my marketing tactics over time. I may also use Hootsuite's analytics to track my post engagement on different platforms over time to determine what kind of posts my audience find most appealing.

    The time my business spends on social media marketing should be minimal as I should be spending my time creating posts, products, and games. I should be able to spend less than an hour every day or so on social media to keep up with conversations and replies on my posts. Using Hootsuite will greatly reduce the time I spend on social media marketing.


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